DepEd E-Class Record Templates for Grade 4-6 (Free Download)

Here are the official DepEd E-Class Records for Grade 4-6.

In line with the implementation of the Policy Guidelines on Classroom Assessment for the K to 12 Basic Education Program, the Department of Education provides an Electronic Class Record Template free to use by all public school teachers.

This official electronic version, developed by teachers and other personnel who volunteered their time and talent, allows for the computation of grades consistent with the abovementioned guidelines.

Grade 4-6 Araling Panlipunan
Grade 4-6 EPP
Grade 4-6 ESP
Grade 4-6 English
Grade 4-6 Filipino
Grade 4-6 Mathematics
Grade 4-6 Science
Grade 4-6 MAPEH 1st Quarter
Grade 4-6 MAPEH 2nd Quarter
Grade 4-6 MAPEH 3rd Quarter
Grade 4-6 MAPEH 4th Quarter
Grade 4-6 MAPEH Final Grades
Grade 4-6 Summary of Final Grades
Grade 4-6 E-Class Record Templates (ZIP File)
E-Class Record Manual for Grade 4-6
MS Excel Basic Command

Basic Sight Words (Grade 1-6)
Developing Reading Power (Grade 1-6)
Reading Comprehension Worksheets (Grade 1-6)
Math Addition Worksheets (KG, Grade 1-6)

DepEd E-Class Record Templates for Grade 4-6 (Free Download) DepEd E-Class Record Templates for Grade 4-6 (Free Download) Reviewed by DepEd Click on May 06, 2020 Rating: 5

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  1. Hi! I know this is for learning materials, but may I ask for help in looking for LRN and School. It is our fault to lost my brother's ID that's why we do not have access to my brother's information to enroll him online. I can't even contact his adviser in facebook and cellphone number as she was not responding. I need your advise. Thank you!


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