Based on the DepEd Order No. 030, s. 2020 or the Amendment to DepEd Order No. 007, s. 2020, there are three (3) holidays for the month of November but only two (2) of which directly affect the regular working schedule of the employees.
November 1 (Sunday) - special non-working holiday
November 2 (Monday) - Additional Special Non-Working Day (Per PP No. 845, s. 2019)
November 30 (Monday) - Bonifacio Day (regular holiday)
You may download the DepEd Order No. 030, s. 2020 for your reference (click here).
Non-Working Holidays in November 2020 (DO 030, s. 2020)
Reviewed by DepEd Click
October 23, 2020

Thank you very much for sharing