Learning Delivery Modalities Course for Teachers
Supplemental Guide in Building Your LDM Practicum Portfolio
In the last LDM pre-implementation module, you have learned that a portfolio is a tool that can be used to record and reflect on one’s learning progress. In the LDM course, the practicum portfolio you have been building enables you to make connections between the module-based learning experiences and how these help you in doing your actual tasks. Artifacts or what we commonly refer to as means of verification (MOV) capture this progress and provide evidence that you have been applying in the workplace what you have learned in the modules. This kind of integrative learning contributes to having a more personalized, relevant, and meaningful professional development experience. This supplemental guide aims to help you identify the essential artifacts in your LDM practicum portfolio.
Guide in Building Your LDM Practicum Portfolio
Supplemental Guide in Building your LDM Practicum Portfolio
Reviewed by DepEd Click
June 10, 2021

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