Assessment is a process that is used to keep track of learners’ progress in relation to learning standards and in the development of 21st-century skills; to promote self-reflection and personal accountability among students about their own learning; and to provide bases for the profiling of student performance on the learning competencies and standards of the curriculum. Various kinds of assessments shall be used appropriately for different learners who come from diverse contexts, such as cultural background and life experiences. Source: DepEd Order No. 8, s. 2015.
Assessments should compare the performance of students to a set of expectations, never to the performance of other students. - Alfie Kohn
Below is the compilation of summative tests for Quarter 1 in Grade 4 for SY 2022-2023. The link will lead you to the Google Drive Folder where the files are located and are free to download.
GRADE 4 SUMMATIVE TESTS (Quarter 1 Compilation) - DOWNLOAD
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GRADE 4 SUMMATIVE TESTS (Quarter 1 Compilation) Weeks 1-8
Reviewed by DepEd Click
October 13, 2022

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