Measuring student learning by means of assessment is necessary as it gives useful feedback to both teachers and students about the extent to which students are successfully meeting course learning objectives.
Below are the available ready-made summative tests for GRADE 6 covering WEEKS 3-4 (Summative Tests No. 2) of Quarter 3. These tests are based on the Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs) set by the Department of Education. Download these files for free. You may also improve it to better fit your learners.
" Assessing learning is like taking a snapshot of your mind. It tells you what you know, not what you can do next."
Selling or republishing these files is strictly prohibited.
QUARTER 3: SY 2022-2023
(MODULES 3-4, WEEKS 3-4)
Grade 1 Summative Tests No. 2: Q3 ST2 - DOWNLOAD
Grade 2 Summative Tests No. 2: Q3 ST2 - DOWNLOAD
Grade 3 Summative Tests No. 2: Q3 ST2 - DOWNLOAD
Grade 4 Summative Tests No. 2: Q3 ST2 - DOWNLOAD
Grade 5 Summative Tests No. 2: Q3 ST2 - DOWNLOAD
Grade 6 Summative Tests No. 2: Q3 ST2 - DOWNLOAD
SUMMATIVE TEST NO. 2 (Q3: WEEKS 3-4) SY 2022-2023
Reviewed by DepEd Click
February 26, 2023
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